Introduction NYC 2024 Chinaton Reunion

New York City 2024 Chinatown Reunion (April 1-5, 2024)

Together is my favorite place to be…2024 Chinatown Reunion, Las Vegas, NV

Greetings: …Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon…4722 …February 10, 2024…

Dick Chu, Chinatown Reunion Leader, asked me for an article of interest for the 2024 Chinatown Reunion Bulletin with the theme being…”Hawaii”.

This 2024 get together will be the 11th biennial Chinatown Reunion to be held in Las Vegas, NV on April 1-5, 2024.

I finally got my thoughts together and sent Dick 3 articles this past February for his consideration since many of the new attendees are much younger….than me/us…”semi-elderly”…who are and will always remain passionate about our biennial Chinatown Reunions for successive generations to come and attend.

I trust these 3 articles will be interesting & informative. A historical-to-date & a memorable read for the 2024 multi-generational attendees….then & now…

1-Discussion about the original NYC Chinatown and the new satellite Chinatown’s created in the NYC Metropolitan area.
2-Discussion about this year’s 2024 theme for the Chinatown Reunion…”Hawaii”, one of my favorite places.
3-Discussion of our Chinese American continuous efforts & determination to compete successfully in the professional, vocational & business fields in America

If the zip file opens the articles in a landscape format, just tap the “Enable Editing” to return it to the portrait format for ease of reading, in the manner that it was originally transmitted in.
For a comprehensive all around view of our Chinese American life experiences on the educational, professional, social, sports, and religious spectrums during the 1940’s– 1970’s’ & beyond, while we were growing up in NYC’s metropolitan area’s Chinatown, please refer to the “Memories of NYC Chinatown” website for past reunion articles managed by James Yuen and for the oral recordings in the “NYC Chinatown Oral History Project” website led by Dr. Jean Lau Chin respectively.

My wish is for everyone to be in the Best of Health… our most Precious Asset…
Enjoy…for the memories & future and the ages….
All the Best…Daniel (Danny) Lee
Nashua, New Hampshire, 2/10/24Introductio NYC 2024 Chinatown Reunion(1)
