2016 Oral History

Below is a link to an album of photos of the 2016 NYC Chinatown Reunion. You are welcome to share this with others.
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No Longer Available
Stories about Growing Up in NYC Chinatown during the 1940s-1960s for Jean Lau Chin’s NYC Chinatown Oral History Project .
For your information, on your desktop pc,or laptop, here’s how to download the full resolution image to your hard drive:
From the cover page of the album, on the left hand pane, select a thumbnail photo to open a larger thumbnail in the right hand pane. Double-click the larger thumbnail to get a full screen image. On either the larger thumbnail or the full screen image, mouse over the top right corner to open a drop down menu and click “Download Image”. This should let you download a full resolution jpeg to your hard drive.
Also, at the album cover page, at the top right, are options to download the entire album or the slideshow, and options to order prints.
Instructions for saving a photo while on a smart phone or iPad/tablet are similar, but I’m unclear how to save the photo to a place where you can retrieve it. You can certainly send it(email or text) to yourself while the photo has been downloaded to your screen.
Bob and Jane Wong
